This issue features some great content from “What is Christianity, touching on “The Trinity” and “Who is Satan?” As well as some amazing articles regarding social issues we as young people experience accompanied by some awesome testimonies, motivations, sketches and much more that are there to encourage you.
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“Turn to God”, this is the main theme around this issue. Its content is there to uplift and encourage you during the tough times life throws at you and to show you that God is still in control and He will get you through.
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A person’s identity is one of the most recognized aspects in a person’s life. We are all subject to be identified by some name or title – but how many of us are identifying ourselves according to God’s purpose? In this issue we cover a variety of topics to boost our confidence in our spiritual and physical lives. Know your position as an heir of God and let us work on being better individuals.
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Within each and everyone of us is someone great. He is the Holy Spirit – the Power Within. In this issue we will look at different individuals sharing their lives and encouraging words. We will also learn about the Holy Spirit and so much more.
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With 2020 having a huge impact on our lives, we can only hope and pray for a better tomorrow. In the first issue of 2021, we are going half and half with our theme. Hope for Tomorrow, Love for Today has a meaning of its own to each of us. Be sure to read the amazing articles of our writers as they share some encouragement with you.
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Hallelujah! YouthCross Experience Magazine Celebrates its 1st Year Anniversary. This issue will strengthen your faith and walk with God as you read various articles of encouragement, teaching and motivation.
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When you sit back and think about your life and how you are living it what do you see? Are you happy or barely surviving wondering in which direction you should go next? Do you need to hear something that will change your mind and bring hope to your heart? Issue 7 provides inspiring content to help you through some of the troubles of life and will direct you to the One who is always there for you, our Lord Jesus, who will guide you to where you need to be.
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You have the choice on whether you want to remain in chains or be set loose from all that is holding you captive. In this issue we cover topics around faith over fear, breaking chains and stepping into your freedom.
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Issue 9 covers topics from Perseverance to Holding on to God. We all made it through this year without giving up and though we faced many challenges our faith in God brought us through.
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Issue 10 is a short issue filled with tons of motivation and spiritual insights. We have preaching, teaching and a testimony that is bound to move you! We learn how to leave the fight to God and how to trust Him for a better tomorrow. Also covered is a wonderful teaching on the role of the church and a blessed sermon.
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Trusting the Holy Spirit is letting go, it’s giving up control and accepting that you don’t know the outcome of a certain situation. Trusting the Holy Spirit is giving Him your life or the life of someone you know at the brink of life and death. Trusting the Holy Spirit is holding on to His hand when you are scared and alone. These are just a few instances that we go through daily. Our lives are in the hands of our Maker and the only way we can understand His plans is to Trust the Holy Spirit.
Experience the Power of God in this issue as we share phenomenal testimonies and inspiring articles to bless your heart.
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YouthCross Experience Issue 12 is themed “From Generation to Generation” simply because what we do today affects not only our own lives tomorrow but the lives of those connected with us and those who will one day be inspired by us.
As you read this Issue, may it open your heart and mind to God’s Will for your life and may the Holy Spirit help you heal from the pain and move forward into your God-ordained purpose.
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It’s Christmas time again, the day that Jesus came
Born to us the Son of God and forever He will reign
Came to Earth this little boy who’s name we’ll forever sing
All the people rejoice, great cheer, for Jesus our King
As we celebrate this season, let us thank God for everything He has done for us and let us spread some love around.
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The Cross is a significant symbol in our Christian faith. It represents reconciliation with God, the unconditional love of Christ Jesus and shows us the way to heaven. In Issue 14, we look at the Three Crosses that stood on Calvary’s hill and we dive deeper into the meaning of the Precious Cross.
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Religion causes Restriction, but a Relationship gives Freedom. Christianity is all about knowing the God we serve by following His Son, Jesus. In this issue we learn about Christianity and the importance of having a relationship with God. It’s time to step Out of Religion and become more Radical for Jesus and start living the life we are called to live through Christ.
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To lose one’s life to Christ is not becoming a slave to a master but becoming one with Jesus.
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A big thank you for your support throughout this year. May 2024 be a blessed year for you and your family as the Power of God leads you according to the Will of God.
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Celebrating Four Years of God’s Goodness!!! Thank you Jesus!! God has been tremendous and has never failed to carry this vision. He showed up and filled these pages with messages through His children. I am so grateful and can barely express it in words. Thank you to all the writers and readers who continue to support YouthCross Experience. God is Good! Let’s continue sharing the good news every way possible!
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God is unchanging, His Love is unchanging, His Power is unchanging, His Greatness is unchanging. Enjoy the read from our writers on God’s unchangeable nature to teach, uplift, motivate and encourage you!
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As this year comes to an end, I want to thank each of you for being part of this magazine. Your readership and articles have been greatly appreciated.
The final theme of this magazine for 2024 is “A Love out of Bethlehem”. The love of Christ, the never-ending, merciful love of our God. Love – something we all need a little of in this season.
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